
Carbon offsets

There is a greater demand for carbon offsets due to the increasing population, and in particular urban densification. Carbon offset credits are in high demand by individuals, businesses, organisations, and subnational government. These credits are purchased to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reach other emission reduction goals, such as carbon neutrality, net zero, or other established targets. A carbon offset company is one that reduces GHG emissions and increases carbon storage in order to compensate for other emissions. To calculate your carbon offset, we use internationally recognized processes.

Nevertheless, this amount of renewable energy wouldn't have been possible without you. This means that your purchase did not result in additional greenhouse gas reductions. On the other hand, if someone is about to clear a section of rainforest and you pay them not to, you have reduced the greenhouse gas emissions associated with deforestation. Carbon offset platforms allow companies and individuals to invest in environmental projects all over the globe to reduce their carbon footprints. Climate change is a global phenomenon that has no matter what organization does to reduce or stop its emissions, it will have the same effect on everyone.

With carbon offsets, organizations can easily follow the second option. The projects are usually based in developing countries and most commonly are designed to reduce future emissions. This could include buying or destroying carbon credits, as well as rolling out new energy technologies. One key idea is that offset credits can be used to transfer a net climate benefit between entities. It doesn't matter where GHGs are reduced, as they mix in the atmosphere globally. Carbon offset companies are a practical and effective way to combat climate change, and encourage the development of renewable energy. Carbon emission credits are the amount of carbon offset platform that companies need to purchase against excess carbon footprints. You can carbon emission credits in either spot markets or futures.