
The Ultimate Secret Of corporate carbon offsetting

A corporate carbon offsetting provides transparent information to corporate management or to other stakeholders upon which carbon reduction initiatives and investment decisions can be taken. has the pool of the specialist auditors who have capability and experience in verifying the corporate carbon offsetting thereby consolidating the credibility and reassuring the integrity, completeness and transparency of statements that are made. has been shortlisted by the CDP to become one of their preferred Global Verification Partners. Carbon Click has conducted numerous carbon footprint verifications for individuals, events and companies as well as carbon neutrality.

voluntary carbon offsetting is a way for businesses and individuals to take responsibility for their emissions now.The sale of carbon credits does this by financing sustainable development, often in countries that need it most and by facilitating a measured and verified reduction in carbon emissions elsewhere. These projects can be achieved in many ways. It is important that they also provide additional, measured social and environmental value for the communities they serve.

This will neutralize your emotions and leave you with a clear conscience. Cheat Neutral may be tongue-in-cheek but the indulgence and cheating analogies have both become de facto arguments against carbon offsetting companies. Whether it's a wind project that ensures security of energy supply to local villages, a hydropower project that protects river ecology, or a stove project that improves maternal and child health - our projects really do make a difference. We can offer a wide range of competitively priced carbon credit companies, across a multitude of technologies and locations.